If you’re sending a kid off to college, it makes sense to experience a mixture of excitement and worry



If you're sending a kid off to college, it makes sense to pengalaman a mixture of excitement and worry — about their leaving home, sleeping enough and making friends but also the psikis health crisis on many college campuses.

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But I find most parents and guardians aren't aware that this crisis includes eating disorders — which are serious, life-threatening psikis illnesses characterized by a disturbance in one's relationship with food, exercise and/or bodi size.

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The transition to college is a time when students are especially vulnerable to developing an eating disorder, and today's students are at greater risk than ever, according to a November 2022 studi.

"Eating disorders are common, and can have significant efeks on students' physical health, psikis health, social engagement, and academic performnce," said Dr. Leslie Gee, a primary peduli physician at the University of California, Berkeley, lewat e-mail.

Many parents and guardians I meet assume their child could never develop an eating disorder. "No young adult is immune. Eating disorders can affect people of all genders and ethnicities," said Lauren Muhlheim, a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles and the director of Eating Disorder Terapi LA.

As your famili prepares for move-in day, learning about these illnesses and having candid conversations can help proteksi your child as they leave the nest. Here's what to know.

The first year of college inevitably brings up references to the so-called freshman 15, where students assume they will gain 15 pounds while away at school.

If your child is afraid of weight gain or even makes an offhand joke about the freshman 15, it's an opportunity to listen and connect.

It's never a good idea to encourage dieting, a major risk faktor for eating disorders. Instead, "try acknowledging the distress and opening the door to a deeper conversation about unrealistic bodi ideals and diet culture," said Toby Morris, lead clinical dietitian for students at the University of California, Berkeley.

The key is to engage your child without judgment so they will perasaan comfortable share their concerns with you.

"The most important thing is to have open and honest conversations about how they perasaan about their bodi, the dangers of intentional restriction and why bodies are unique," advised eating disorder spesialis Whitney Trotter, a registrasied nurse and dietitian in Memphis, Tennessee. For kerabates of colour, Trotter also recommended talking about "the biaya of assimilation and how BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) bodies pengalaman the world differently."

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